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To use Zaparoo you must install the Zaparoo Core service on your preferred platform device and use a frontend application like Zaparoo App to configure and interact with it.

Zaparoo App

The Zaparoo App is the offically supported way to use the Zaparoo Core service and create your collection. All essential features to use Zaparoo are available for free.

Zaparoo Core

The Zaparoo Core service runs in the background on your platform device and coordinates all hardware and software to make Zaparoo work.

MiSTer FPGAStablev2.2.0 (ARM32)
MiSTeXStablev2.2.0 (ARM64)
SteamOSBetav2.2.0 (x86-64)
WindowsBetav2.2.0 (x86-64) v2.2.0 (ARM64)
MacOSBetav2.2.0 (x86-64) v2.2.0 (ARM64)